Quay – Canon Eccleshare: tel 01244 830358/830071.
Mon 21st 9.30am St
Matthew: Queensferry’s
Intention Tue 22nd 10.00am
Liturgy of the day: Holy
Souls Wed 23rd 9.45am
Novena to Our Lady 10.00am St
Pius of Pietrelcina: (Padre Pio) Holy
Souls Thu 24th 12 noon (Q’ferry) Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of
Henry McDonald Fri 25th 9.00am
of the day: Holy Souls Sat 26th 11.00am
Cosmas and Damian: Holy
Souls Exposition and Confessions after Mass until
Noon, and Confessions 4.00 – 4.30pm
Bidding Prayers 20th
Sept – Rachel Thomas 27th Sept – Louise Smith Retiring
Collection today for CASE – see
103 years! Congratulations to Doris Roberts, our oldest parishioner,
whose birthday is today, 20th Sept. Doris keeps Canon’s needs and all ours in
her prayers; let us pray very specially for her today. ( Card
to sign is in porch)
Taize Prayer on Wednesday, 23rd
Sept. in the Convent at 7.30 pm. Come and pray for peace and reconciliation.
St Winefride’s
– a new book about St Winefride’s Well has been written by T.W. Pritchard. Details are in the porch. For anyone who would like to buy a copy
please do not include Postage & Packaging as the author has very kindly
made arrangements for them to be delivered to Blessed Sacrament.
Harvest Festival – 26/27th Sept.
This year Save the Family/Plas Bellin are
appealing for Fresh, Dried and Tinned food. At any one time they provide a home
for 150 people per night. Copies of their Harvest Appeal are in the porch.
Please take one home. Contributions will be most welcome next weekend. .,
Christmas Fayre – this year will be held on Saturday 28th
November, starting @ 10.30am at C/Quay Civic Centre. If you can help please
speak to Anne Thomas or Canon Eccleshare.
we celebrate Home Mission Sunday today, we are invited to reflect on ways
in which we can share our faith with others through service and acts of
charity. Resources are provided by
the Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation (CASE); some leaflets are
available at the back of Church (1 per family) with additional material
available on-line at There will be a retiring collection today
in support of the work of CASE who rely on diocesan support. CASE also runs the Catholic Enquiry
Office, offering free and confidential information about the Catholic faith
to enquirers ( and for non-practising/resting
Catholics (
There is also an evangelistic site for 11-13 year olds
Items for the bulletin – please forward to
Carmel Smith before noon on Thursdays. tel 01244
830985 or e-mail